D.O.T.S.- Depend on the Savior

My church  has a group for the teenage girls (called Young Women's) and every summer they go to camp! It is so much fun- I have lots of great memories of my years at Girl's Camp. 

I had a request to create a handout containing the "Footprints in the Sand" using DOTS as that is their theme this year :

D.O.T.S.- Depend on the Savior

- isn't that great?? 

I love it!!

There are steps the girls can follow:

D- daily prayer
O- obedience
T- thoughts/ journaling
S- scripture study

Isn't it just tooo much fun????

SO I created a bookmark:

 (sized for a 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper)

and buttons!! 
These are sized for 1 1/2 inch buttons

you can download them in the main theme

or in the actions

Hope you enjoy them too!!! I just thought this was so cute and clever!

What are your favorite girl's camp memories?


  1. You are becoming a master of Photoshop!! Those are way awesome!!!

  2. I have to plan girls camp this year for my ward.
    I was wondering what crafts your girls did and other activites with the D.O.T.S. Theme?
    Please email me any ideas, that would be great

  3. Can you give me other ideas that went with this theme? Like crafts, devotionals, decorations. I have no imagination for this kind of stuff and was called to be stake camp director.

    1. HI Megan! I was asked to create these printables for someone so I don't actually know all the details behind the camp. Sorry! I do know that one of the printables is sized for those class pendent necklaces. I am sorry I am not more help but I wish you luck in Girl's Camp!! What a fun calling!

  4. Came across this idea. Thankyou Thankyou for helping out the untalented. I appreciate you letting us use these.

  5. I am having a hard time downloading the printables....is there anyway I could get help with that?

  6. Hello! I LOVE these but cannot get them to download.
    Thanks for any help you might be able to give me!!!

  7. Hello! I LOVE these but cannot get them to download.
    Thanks for any help you might be able to give me!!!

  8. Hello! I LOVE these but cannot get them to download.
    Thanks for any help you might be able to give me!!!

    1. I am soo sorry you had trouble with the downloads! I have fixed the link so they should work! I am also sorry that I did not see this sooner! Blogger has failed me!! Thanks!

  9. I can't get them to download either. They're so cute & I would love to use them.

    1. I am so sorry! Blogger has failed me and I did not see this comment til this evening! I have fixed the link to the bookmarks and they should be good to go! Again I am sorry! Thanks!

  10. I can't get these to download. I would love to use them. Could you possibly email them to me?

    1. Hi Chelsi,
      I checked the links on my end and they seem to be working and I am sorry they are causing you such grief! As you can see you aren't the only one who has had problems in the past! If you give me your email I can email the files to you. Which one were you hoping for? Thanks!

  11. I would love to use the handouts you have shown above, but the link does not work. any chance you could email it to me?

    1. Tonya,

      Please just give me your email and I will send the links! I am so sorry it's been a bugger again!!!


  12. Is this download still available? i can't get it to work and it takes me to a crazy website that wants me to download a bunch of crap.

  13. Yes it is! Check out the updated post here to get the files :)



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